
探索建立“无废城市”建设综合管理制度和技术体系(an institutional and technical system for the management of no-waste cities),试点城市在固体废物重点领域和关键环节取得明显进展...

Japan cannot shirk its responsibility by claiming that the ALPS is a foolproof system, because its reliability has not been proved in real life practice. The radioactive wa...

In each of the three periods of economic growth over the past three decades, the top 10% of income earners received about half of all income growth.31 Households with incom...

Household Food Waste 湿垃圾 湿垃圾主要指厨余(食物)垃圾。 ►NO.4 Residual Waste 干垃圾 Residual 指剩余的;残留的。 干垃圾可以理解成除上述几类之外的其他垃圾。比如:砖瓦陶瓷,尘土,已污染的卫生纸/纸巾、难以回收以及暂无回收利用价值的废弃物等。 ►Garbage,ru...

The college has also been cooperating with the National University of Singapore to create a system that can turn kitchen waste into electricity and heat. Kitchen waste is c...

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